Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love Equals Chocolate?

If love equals chocolate then this is the most loving place on earth Hershey's Chocolate World! Valentines Day was yesterday and I hope everyone had a wonderful and romantic holiday. I thought back to my visit to Hershey Pennsylvania and how the love was most evident when ready the biography of Mr. Hershey, he had no children so he started an orphanage and when he died he gave all his shares of his company to the orphanage to ensure that what he started would continue, to me that is the true meaning of love, giving completely of ones self to others with absolutely nothing expected in return, what a wonderful way to live ones life, talk about walking the walk, truly amazing. May peace and love be with you always.

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All images and words © Bill Hamilton, All rights reserved, copying and or distributing these images without my permission is strictly prohibited.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Frozen Tundra...

I've been traveling for the past three weeks and I'm excited to share my experiences soon. This is how I feel right now; I'm home and thawing out! I was in Peru Illinois last weekend not entirely by my choice, but it was damn cold, it hit minus 14 (-14) and my fuel basically jelled up so I couldn't leave town until late Monday, I can't believe how cold that was, my toes were numb foe a couple of days, really how do people live in such cold weather? This image is while flying over Alaska, talk about cold but that will probably be another blog post. Whatever you do, wherever your travels take you it's always such a great feeling to return home, like it says, there is truly "no place like home" 

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All images and words © Bill Hamilton, All rights reserved, copying and or distributing these images without my permission is strictly prohibited.