Sunday, August 17, 2014

If These Boots Could Talk

If these boots could talk what stories could they tell us? Would they tell the story of the America of the past when people were self reliant or the America of today where people are becoming more reliant on the government? Would they tell the story of the America that had the greatest work ethic the world has ever seen or would they tell the story of an America that has become a people with an attitude of entitlement? As grim as our American story looks at times we are still the most creative and hard working people on the planet. As much as our government tries to mess up the greatest and most successful social experiment ever known to mankind, it's the people of America that re-boots and keeps finding ways to produce the best economy in the world. As America goes so does the world and as much as the media wants us to believe that we are no better than any other country on earth the fact is we are different and the world depends on us to survive and to prosper. If you need any example of the will of the people of the people to keep on trucking despite of our incompetent leaders just look at Texas the greatest state in America. During the past years Texas has created more jobs than all the other states combined, and Texas does what every state and our country should and could do, just don't spend more than you take in, what a concept. Every day I see people inventing, creating, adapting, and flourishing in what is said to be the worst of times in America. I have hope, I have reason to believe in Americans!

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