Saturday, June 11, 2016

Creek Street

 The famous Creek Street in Kechikan Alaska, funky and fun. This place is loaded with history and fun facts, way too much to do one single post. Creek Street is a boardwalk that tourist keep flocking to, mostly for photos and to purchase interesting gifts. Cruise boat's can drop off up to 10,000 to 12,000 visitors per day, not bad for a town with an estimated population of 12,000 people. Welcome to Alaska's First City and they proudly remind you they are "The Salmon Capital of the World".
Ketchikan Creek is a active salmon spawning creek and it's a great place to witness them. Creek Street has a very famous saying. It's where more men, than fish, went upstream to spawn!!! We will cover the story behind this saying very soon. We truly enjoyed this little fishing village, very cool.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Duck Xing

Duck Xing, so much in such a small phrase. I didn't grow up loving nature, or animals outside of my pet Lab Astro, my rabbits, and guinea pigs, and of course Shamu. I did love the ocean and baseball, so maybe that makes me a nature lover? Over the years I have found my enjoyment and interest in the colorful world of ducks increasing, that's right ducks! When we moved to Richardson Texas and our new backyard became Cottonwood Park that's when my fascination with ducks started. The first sign of ducks was our duck crossing, which I found funny, but over time it became a funky, quirky and necessary part of our new community. We have a large duck population that rules the neighborhood and they seem to know it. As they cross the streets at will knowing that every car will stop and enjoy watching them cross at their own leisure, Mother duck with babies all in a straight line, matching to the beat of their duck world rhythm. It's a nice break in our otherwise busy lives. Nearly every morning we are home we enjoy a peaceful walk around our lake and creek urban oasis,
Now, as we travel around the world it seems that ducks keep popping up, I can't get away from them, not that I would want to. The ducks and I have an understanding, you don't pop on me and I'll take beautiful or at least the best I can produce, photos of the duck nation. It seems to be working out so far. If you follow me on Twitter@BillHamMedia or Instagram BillHamiltonMedia, you can find my postings of our Duck community. May the ducks be with you!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Night of Magic

A Night of Magic and incredible end to your mandatory education. Your special night is better referred to as your prom night. What has changed over the years is how the prom has become a bigger deal complete with elaborate themed events, undoubtedly created by the need for party planners to have another season to help fill their calendar. Kinda like, Hallmark invented Valentines Day, Donuts Day, give your Neighbor a card day, etc. Please don't let my cynicism diminish these events or the special place they hold our lives and development of who we are today.
I do enjoy the youthful optimism and excitement in these kids, while I remember my prom night and how I had to leave my then girlfriend at home because I agreed to take the girl from my 8th grade prom and likewise she left her boyfriend at home, why? our prom sold out and I wasn't going to miss my right of passage and either was she. Yes, it was a fun night, but also one of mixed emotions. The prom is still and always will be an important right of passage as we transition from our childhood dreams into our adult reality of life will never be the same again. So, during these season's of change, look back with fondness of your teen years and if you went to your prom how did it turn out? Many times I thought the kids who didn't attend this big night, maybe they were the lucky ones for not going through the anguish of asking your date out leaving your self and self esteem open to the crushing disappointment of being turned down. If they said yes, weeks of stress about what to wear, what flowers to buy, where to have dinner, and if your lucky enough the stress of getting the nerve to swallow your pride and then going in for the dreaded and yet exciting possibility of a successful good night kiss! Young love so full of endless dreams and endless stress. Thank God we survived and can enjoy our golden years wondering what if....