Saturday, July 5, 2014

Confident or Oblivious?

I am wondering out loud here, but the question of life is…do people know they look ridiculous at times or are they really that confident or are they just that oblivious? Stay with me now, does a person hugely over weight know that wearing spandex  four sizes too small is stupid or are they so confident that they actually believe they look good in it? Does a big old dude wearing a Speedo really think it's cool or just doesn't know? Does this guy fishing know he should just put a shirt on or does he think he looks hot or does he just not care?  As you travel down the isles at Wally World do the people wearing the most ridiculously gross outfits or even their PJ’s with fuzzy slippers realize how dumb they look or do they really just not care? The question always has been do good looking people really know they are good looking and do ugly people know they are ugly? Does they guy who paints his house that color you can’t describe down the street know he has horrific taste or does he like the results or did he just buy paint based on price alone? Does the person know when he buys a $50k car know that the crappie after market accessories that they put on it now make their ride worth $20k or do they really think it looks better than what the manufacture rolled out on the show room floor? This question has been haunting man from the Stone Age and because it’s so subjective it truly can never be answered, but we still pose the question, are people just that confident or just that oblivious?

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