Sombrero is Spanish for hats, but you knew that. Many early Texan cowboys adopted the Spanish and Mexican sombrero, also worn by mariachi musicians. Whatever the name, whomever wears it, and wherever they came from the sombrero has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Southern California and living in Arizona and Texas this hat has always been around. The sombrero is festive, fun, and functional. Every time I travel and come across this hat it reminds me of my past travels through Mexico and South America and all the fun I've had.
I enjoy the little shops on the main streets and ports of call. When you arrive you see sombrero's on carts, in stores, and of course my favorite of all, the street vendor with hats stacked to the sky going tourist to tourist selling his hats. I guess it's my longing for a simpler time, a time when we weren't a slave to our cell phones and obsessed with being connected 24/7. I like not being connected while I travel. Not so concerned with how many "Likes" my last post received. I like just being in the moment and watching local towns people going about their daily lives, doing business the old fashioned way, face to face, and a deal is concluded with a pleasant thank you and a hand shake. The saddest part of traveling is this simpler way of life will one day be gone as the world becomes more and more connected. To me the entire world walking around with a hand held device stuck in their face isn't necessarily something I'm looking forward too. As the world turns and we advance at the speed of light, I plan on slowing down as much as possible. I will continue to see new places, experience new things, and stop to really see the beauty in God's creation without being connected through electronics's but connected through people, face to face.
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