Friday, July 11, 2014

Slow Down People!

I found this on-line - What lies at the bottom of the ocean and shakes a lot?A nervous wreck! This might seems cute but when you think about it our world is turning faster than ever, communication is now at the speed of light, everything is instant gratification, and nothing is fast enough. How on God's green earth can you find any kind of balance, how can you slow down enough to stop and smell the flowers? If you don't slow down your life is going to zip by and you'll wonder what happened to my life? At the end it's too late to make up all the time you lost. This photograph is in downtown Taipei Taiwan and man the hustle and bustle is at an unbelievable pace and it makes me tired just watching them go through their daily life. I have no answer on how you can slow down, we all have things we enjoy doing and I highly recommend you take a little more time for you to enjoy family, friends, and hobbies. Make the time to meditate, pray, and fellowship with people that have common interest with you. Time is too precious and we don't have as much time as we think. In a blink of the eye eighty years have passed you bye. Don't be that person who waited to late to connect with loved ones, don't be the person who has nothing but regret at the end, and don't wait to get right with your faith. A life filled with what ifs and wish I had a do over is a life wasted. Don't waste the beautiful potential of your life, God's plan for you is greater than you can imagine.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Love at First Wave

To me there is no better place to hang and people watch than Ocean Beach (OB) San Diego California. To me it has everything you would want, funky shops, great dives to eat at, a very cool beach and plenty of diverse people to watch. OB is a beach community who embraces its hippie roots and now has developed into a town with a very cool beach vibe. The local’s awesome attitude has help mold this San Diego town into a real jewel of the Pacific coastline. If you want to relax and soak up the sun while exploring one of the most unique beach towns in Southern California than OB San Diego is for you dude!

Monday, July 7, 2014

My Photo OP-Photo Bombed

If you read my blog you know I love people watching, in fact it should be an Olympic sport. I was watching the kids and out of nowhere this kid photo bombed my photo op, that's right I got bombed in La Jolla CA! No matter I enjoy seeing what will be captured when people watching and capturing the candid treasures during my journeys display something I did not expect. Photography like in life the journey is the thrill and a great pic is the result of your ability not to give up and go swim with the others, your patience and persistence. You never know what's around the next wave, next mountain, the next corner, the next photo might be your best ever!Keep on clicking....

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Confident or Oblivious?

I am wondering out loud here, but the question of life is…do people know they look ridiculous at times or are they really that confident or are they just that oblivious? Stay with me now, does a person hugely over weight know that wearing spandex  four sizes too small is stupid or are they so confident that they actually believe they look good in it? Does a big old dude wearing a Speedo really think it's cool or just doesn't know? Does this guy fishing know he should just put a shirt on or does he think he looks hot or does he just not care?  As you travel down the isles at Wally World do the people wearing the most ridiculously gross outfits or even their PJ’s with fuzzy slippers realize how dumb they look or do they really just not care? The question always has been do good looking people really know they are good looking and do ugly people know they are ugly? Does they guy who paints his house that color you can’t describe down the street know he has horrific taste or does he like the results or did he just buy paint based on price alone? Does the person know when he buys a $50k car know that the crappie after market accessories that they put on it now make their ride worth $20k or do they really think it looks better than what the manufacture rolled out on the show room floor? This question has been haunting man from the Stone Age and because it’s so subjective it truly can never be answered, but we still pose the question, are people just that confident or just that oblivious?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Rush Hour at the Pumps!

It's like an ant hill coming alive, its 7am and its rush hour at the fuel line at an East Texas truck stop. It reminds me of someone kicking an ant hill and out of nowhere a zillion ants scurry around and another day of endless miles and unfamiliar towns to the point you can't remember what day of the week it is and what time zone you’re in. They are the last of the free spirits criss-crossing America making sure you have what you need to make your life more convenient. It's a love hate relationship between the American public and truckers. People don't realize with out the trucker we would be walking around naked and homeless, everything you see or purchase in stores, from underwear to autos and building materials in the USA at one point came off a truck. Our nation is too large and spread out to not use trucks and without the professional drivers who sacrifice precious time with their families in order to keep America moving our economy would come to a scratching stop! Next time you see a trucker driving down your highways be kind and give them a little extra room, their goal is the same as your goal and that's to arrive home safely to their loved ones at the end of every day.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Golf a metaphor for life?

Actually many sports activities are a metaphor for life, yoga, running, golf, sailing, swimming, any thing that takes commitment, dedication, perseverance, and of course the will to stay with it. The Bible uses the analogy of the long race, life is not a sprint, and it’s a marathon. Walt Disney once said “It’s kind of fun doing the impossible”, Mark Twain said “Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the things you did do”.  On any day you can start out great hitting on all cylinders and after the second tee shot everything can fall apart or you can start out slow and out of nowhere you can catch fire and make every shot you think you couldn’t. Life is like Golf. Life it’s more than a few holes or rounds it’s a lifetime of preparation waiting for that opportunity to stand before you and what you do with that opportunity is what you will be remembered for, that’s what will shape the next several seasons of your life. The good news is even if you miss an opportunity, redemption and grace are paramount to our life’s journey and without either we are doomed to a life of regret and frustration. Your attitude towards life’s setbacks will either shorten your set back or prolong it? How you handle it is truly up to you. Will you get back up and dust your self off and move forward or will you let it poison your out look thus sabotaging your outcome? It’s your choice; after all we have free will, the ability to determine how we will confront life’s frustrations.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Crazy Sky

While I travel around our great country I see many beautiful sights America has many different types of country from desserts, mountains, oceans, the result is a diverse and unique landscape begging anyone with a camera to go out and explore. This was taken in Tennessee near the Smokey Mountains. I love early morning photography, it seems to give me more interesting clouds and it has a magical feel as the world and Mother Nature wakes up and gets ready for another day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Black Gold-Texas Tea

Only in Texas can you find a working oil rig at a truck stop just yards away from the fuel pumps, it's kind of funny a state so rich in natural resources this may seem like over kill. In Texas they call crude oil “Black Gold” or “Texas Tea”, this bring images of J.R. Ewing to mind the old school oil man, ruthless in nature. The “Texas Oil Boom” or the “Gusher Age” started in the early 20th century. Texas quickly became one of the leading oil producers in America, thus the legend began, the image of bigger than life men who risked their personnel wealth for the chance to make it big, and that’s how we got the old saying “Everything is Bigger in Texas”!